Gresham Lodge History



Note: On June 8, 1998 I was seated across from Mr. Orson Goodrich during a Lodge function and we chatted a while. He mentioned that he had information about the Lodge at his home which he wished to pass on to one of the members. I advised him that I was the Historian for the Lodge. He forwarded the following report to me. I have retyped it for clarity, but not verbatim, as it was a copy of poor quality. The
History Committee submitted it in about 1954. This information would probably have been lost except for Mr. Goodrich’s recognition of its historical value to our Lodge.
Thank you, Mr. Goodrich.
Larry Ward PM, Lodge Historian

About the year of 1908, W. H. Congdon, our first Master of the Lodge, came to our locality and rented a farm on the Gresham Butte. He had formerly lived near Spokane, Washington, and had taken his Masonic degrees there. He was a very enthusiastic Mason and immediately began to look around for Masonic brothers with the idea of organizing a Lodge in Gresham. Fairview Lodge at Troutdale had jurisdiction over most of Eastern Multnomah County at that time, and an appeal was made to them to sponsor a Lodge at Gresham, but was refused. Then some of the members of Fairview Lodge living in and near Gresham attempted to have all the Masons in this vicinity affiliate with Fairview Lodge and thereby make a majority and vote to move Fairview Lodge to Gresham. This attempt failed and the Gresham Masons had to bide their time until 1912, when Fairview Lodge finally consented that a charter be granted to Gresham Lodge, which was to have joint jurisdiction with Fairview Lodge. During this period, however, there was considerable Masonic activity taking place in Gresham unofficially. Bill Congdon was employed as a chef in the Gresham Hotel in 1908,

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and that became a gathering place for the Masons of the community. Much teaching, coaching, discussion and instruction took place there. Bill was very well thought of, and much confidence was placed in him by his brothers and friends. We are told, as an indication of this confidence, that on one occasion when one brother was being initiated, when asked in whom he put his trust, his answer was "Bill Congdon." Gresham Lodge first met in the Odd Fellows Hall on East Powell St. until 1919 when it was moved to the Regner Building which is now used by W.R. Hicks & Co. Meetings were held there until 1931, when our present Temple was erected. W.H. Congdon was our first Master, and made a practice of looking up the other officers every few days to make sure that they were making satisfactory progress in their work. When the Lodge was first formed, some of the furnishings had to be obtained at as little cost as possible. We are told that the first altar was not much more than an ordinary box. We are also told that the pillars for use in the Fellow Crafts Degree, and which, by the way, we are still using, were made from old pillars taken from the porch of the Dr. Short residence.  

On Monday evening, April 8, 1912, a Special Communication of Gresham Lodge was opened by T.M. Baldwin, M.W.G.M., W.L. Shellenberger was S.W., W.G. McPherson, J.W., and S.F Robinson was Secretary. The dispensation for the new Lodge was read. W. H. Congdon was appointed W.M., C. Cleveland, S.W., and O. A. Eastman, J.W. The M.W.G.M. then presented the working tools of the order to W.M., W.H. Congdon, who appointed the following brothers as officers until such time as the Lodge received a charter: James Elkington, Treasurer; H.J. Pulfer, Secretary; Max Schneider, S.D.; E. Kardill, J.D.; W.K. Hamilton and L.L. Kidder, Stewards; and James Peterson, Tyler. On the following evening, April 9, 1912, the first Stated Communication of Gresham Lodge was held, at which time a committee was appointed to procure the necessary paraphernalia. They were empowered to borrow money if necessary. On this committee were W.H. Pulfer, O.A. Eastman, and C. Cleveland.

The petition of W.H. Cleveland was received April 9, 1912, and he was raised August 13, 1912 being the first candidate to be accepted and raised by the new Lodge. On July 23, 1912, a committee was appointed to look into the matter of building a hall.  A Charter was granted to our Lodge on July 13, 1912. The bylaws were adopted on September 10, 1912. Seven candidates were raised to the M.M. Degree in 1912, and many petitions were received and passed. 

The Lodge met twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays until June, 1913, when they changed to once month on the second Tuesday. On February 9, 1915, brothers Honey, Cameron, Pulfer, Eastman, and Congdon were appointed a special committee to see about a new lodge room or building site.

On March 9, 1915, the special building committee was granted another four weeks’ time. On April 13, 1915, the special building committee was granted another four weeks time to make a final report. On June 8, 1915, the committee on building was discharged and thanked for their services. The following were named on a new committee: L.L. Kidder, H.M. Miller, W.K. Hamilton, A.M. Wilkerson, and J.E. Clanahan. On July 13, 1915, the building committee reported that the most suitable lot for building a Lodge room was the one owned by brother C. Cleveland, on Main Street near 5th Street: 50 X 115, for $650.00. The building committee was then discharged. On September 14, 1915, a building committee was appointed to ascertain the cost of building a hall. On December 14, 1915, the building committee was authorized to solicit for sale of stock for the building of a new hall.

On December 12, 1916, a committee was appointed to confer with A.W. Metzger in regard to obtaining a lodge room in the new building he was building.

On April 9, 1918, a communication from Sandy Lodge relative to establishing a boundary between the two jurisdictions was read, and a committee was appointed to confer with a Sandy Lodge committee. On this date, a committee was appointed to look up and suggest a site for a Masonic Home. On March 11, 1919, a committee appointed at a previous meeting reported by reading a lease drawn between A.W. Regner and Gresham Lodge #152 AF & AM. A motion was carried that the lease be accepted and the Secretary be instructed to write the Grand Master for a dispensation to move the Lodge charter to a new home. On November 14, 1919, the first Masonic funeral was exemplified for Brother W. Davis.

On July 13, 1920, a committee was appointed to investigate the possibility of securing a site for a Masonic Home for Gresham Lodge.  

On December 13, 1921, it was resolved that Fairview Lodge #92, Gresham Lodge #152 and Sandy Lodge #158 enter into concurrent jurisdiction.

In December 1921, W. Hammer was elected Master for the ensuing year. During the year 1922 a building committee was appointed to survey the possibility of building a new Temple. A rental of $15.00 per month was being paid for the use of Regner Hall at this time. On September 9, 1922, an occasional communication of the Grand Lodge of Oregon was held for the purpose of laying the cornerstone for the Gresham Union High School gymnasium. This was the first cornerstone laid by the Masonic Lodge for a civic building, in this area. On November 8, 1922, a banquet was given to the members of the Lodge by the Worshipful Master, Wm. Hammar, at which a ways and means committee was recommended to raise funds for a new Temple. Also in this year, a committee was appointed to procure a fireproof safe and filing cabinet. They have yet to report...

In December 1922, J.E. Metzger was elected Master for 1923. In January 1923, a meeting was held to discuss the purchase of Regner Hall for $16,000.00, which was to include the residence adjoining. No decision was made on this matter until March, when it was decided not to make the purchase.  In June 1923, a motion was passed to purchase a portrait of Theodore Roosevelt.

1924-1927. Through these years not much of particular importance happened, except that the members were continually working toward a new Temple. Several committees were appointed at various times, to work on this matter.

In 1927, a committee visited Milwaukie Lodge for the purpose of looking over their Temple. They reported that a satisfactory building would cost approximately $25,000.00. The membership of the then existing committee was increased to ten, for the purpose of canvassing the membership to see how much money could be raised.In December 1927, W.J. Todd was elected Master. This stated meeting had been postponed from its regular date, the City of Gresham being under quarantine for Polio.

In September 1928, Brother C.J. Lundquist was appointed to purchase an American Flag for the Lodge.  In 1928, Chas. Gray and Andrew Brugger were awarded Certificates of Proficiency, the first in our Lodge. Also in this year, another building committee was appointed, consisting of O.A. Eastman, A. W. Metzger, and Arthur Dowsett. C.J. Lundquist was elected Master for the year 1929.

On February 12 of 1929, the Secretary was instructed to purchase a signature book for use in connection with the bylaws. It appears that in this year the Lodge treasury followed the trend of the stock market, as the financial report on October 8th showed a balance on hand of $34.00.

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In December a motion was passed that Bibles be presented to all new Master Masons. At this meeting, E.W. Eastman was elected Master for 1930. In April 1930, the new building committee reported that a new Temple could be built for about $10,000.00, and it was proposed that the dues be increased one dollar per year, to help finance the building. In September 1930, five trustees were given authority to form a corporation for the building of the Temple.

Brother C.G. Schneider was Master in 1931. On February 10, 1931, it was reported that $7,000.00 had been pledged for the building, and of March 10th bids were opened and the contract for the building was awarded to Steele and Davis of Portland, for $9,984.00. On April 10th at 4:00P.M., a happy group of Masons assembled to lay the cornerstone of the Temple. Grand Master Otto Hagmeier officiated. The event was celebrated that evening with a big chicken dinner at the Grange hall. ! The new Temple was first occupied in July 1931, when a Lodge of Master Masons was opened with Past Masters occupying all stations. Brother E.B. Kirkwood had the distinction of being the first Master Mason to be raised in the new Temple. Brother A.J.W. Brown presented the Lodge with the altar which we are now using. The Worshipful Master appointed a committee to solicit $10.00 per member, to apply on the cost of a heating plant. A motion was passed to install heaters in the Lodge room and one ante room. Also at this time, a drawing was held, and the first $150.00 of the building bonds were paid off. In December 1931, Roy W. Gibbs was elected master for the following year. At this time, another bond payment was made.


In January 1932, electric lights were installed at the altar. The Order of the Eastern Star and the Acacia Club supplied the Temple with many furnishings at a cost of over $4,000.00. On February 9, 1932, a motion was passed to return the cuspidors and wastebaskets to Brother C.W. Altman. 

Life membership was inaugurated in 1933, and the fee set at $150.00 for ages 21 to 35, $125.00 for ages 36 to 50, and $100.00 for those over 51.

Ernest Zenger served as Master in 1934. The kitchen was built in May 1934, and leased to the Kiwanis Club for three years at $10.00 per month. A Motion was passed to bond the Secretary and Treasurer for $500.00.

F.D. Oleman was elected Master for 1935, and Chas. Gray for 1936. These were years in which the Acacia Club was busy raising funds with which to meet the building obligations. Organization of the DeMolay was first discussed in 1936.

Arthur Dowsett was elected master for 1937. Tri-City Chapter, Order of DeMolay, was instituted in 1937, sponsored by Gresham, Fairview and Sandy Lodges. Also in 1937, the salary of the Secretary was reduced from $50.00 to $25.00.

The Master in 1938 was Howard VanDuesen. In this year the then Junior Past Master, Arthur Dowsett presented the Lodge with a full set of officers’ aprons. Fred Bourne presented the Lodge with an Altar Bible, also the door knobs with the Masonic Emblem. L.C. White was elected master for 1939, but due to illness was unable to be present much of the time.

He was followed by Einar Gilberson, who was Master in 1940. Keeping up the payments on the building continued to call for more effort and sacrifice, and in May 1940 a committee was appointed to solicit donations to make up the building pledge. On September 10th, 1940, a motion was passed to reduce the insurance on equipment from $500.00 to $300.00.

Brother E.B. Kirkwood served as Master in 1941. On March 11th, a motion was passed to advertise the meetings of the Lodge in the Gresham Outlook. On April 5th, an occasional communication of the Grand Lodge was called to lay the cornerstone for the new Post Office building.

Clarence D. Phillips was acting Grand Master for this occasion.

On April 8th, a committee was appointed to make inquiry about a neon sign of the letter "G." On December 9, 1941, a resolution was presented to the Lodge to increase the dues to $7.00 per year. At this meeting also, A.S. Hisey was elected Master for the year 1942.

On January 13, 1942, a motion was passed that the Lodge cooperate with the Mayor of Gresham on any plans necessary for the security of the area. In October 1942, the Lodge voted to give the flag committee the power to buy a service flag to record the names of the brothers in the service. Brother Sidney Hall, of Silverton Lodge #45, dedicated the flag on November 10th.  A Service Flag which had been authorized for purchase early in 1942 was dedicated on November 10, 1942 with these words: "Gresham Lodge, No. 152 A.F.&A.M. in Regular Stated Communication Assembled, in Grateful Remembrance and Appreciation of our Brethren who are now serving our Country in one of the various branches of Service, Battling for the preservation of the American Way of Life as expressed in the Atlantic Charter and the Four Great Freedoms. Do now and Hereby in the name of God - - The Supreme Ruler and Architect of the Universe and the Holy Sts. Johns dedicated this Flag."


Norman Lunde was Master for 1943, followed by T.A. Johnson for 1944.

In 1944 the Lodge was presented with a waste paper basked bearing the emblems of the various Masonic Organizations by Brother L.N. Sandman. Also during this year, the building committee was authorized to sell a strip of property on the east side of the building to C.A. McRoberts. 

Gordon Gibson served as Master in 1945. On March 13th of this year, warrants were drawn to complete payment for the Temple. Brothers’ E. Gilberson, S.J. Lundquist, and H. Van Duesen were appointed to meet with the members of the Eastern Star and Royal Arch, to arrange for a celebration. The Lodge voted $75.00 to spend for the occasion, and with much jubilance and a little fire, the mortgage was burned. The Worshipful Master thanked all those who had a part in building and paying for the Temple. Also in this year, being relieved of the burden of paying for the building, the Lodge saw fit to increase the salary of the Secretary to $100.00 per year.

John Paul was Master of the Lodge in 1946. (In February, a motion was made and passed to pay ½ of the purchase price of new pedestals in the South, West and North. They were being made by the action of the AREME Club of the Order of the Eastern Star. Our half was $31.50.) On March 12th of this year, a motion was passed to have a Photostatic copy of the charter made, that the original might be preserved. The annual Strawberry Feed tradition was started June 11 this year.

In 1947, Gerald Peck served as Master. Brother Sandman presented the Lodge with four beautiful hand made maple standards for the staffs.

The Master for the year 1948 was Melvin Brugger. On January 13th, the first Spaghetti Feed was held, prepared by Brother Bob Caruso.  June 1948, Norman Lunde, PM 1943 was appointed DDoGM #23. He was currently serving also as Lodge Secretary. District #23 covered Lodges, Fairview 92, Sandy 156, Bridal Veil 117, Parkrose 179, and Gresham 152.

Harold K. Lewis served in the East for the year 1949. In this year Brother R.H. McWilliams presented the Lodge with a stainless steel sink for the kitchen.  June 14, 1949, the lodge thanked Bro. Robert E. McWilliams for installing a stainless sink for only the cost of materials used.

Elliot Truman was Master of the Lodge during 1950. During this year, the sign in front of the Temple was purchased, the cost being shared by the Blue Lodge, the Eastern Star, and the Royal Arch.

Brother George Moen was Master on 1951. On June 12th of this year, the resolution was approved to raise the yearly dues to $9.00. On September 17th, the Grand Lodge Centennial celebration for District 23 was held at Parkrose Lodge. Also in September 1951, the motion was passed to set up a memorial life membership, with a minimum fee of $100.00.

Clair Gullikson was elected Master for 1952. On February 12, 1952, a resolution was approved increasing the fees for life membership. The new fire escape was installed in February. In October, a new roof was put on the building. On November 11th, Brother Harold Lewis was given a rising applause for his splendid work with the Tri-City Chapter Order of DeMolay, for which he received the Cross of Honor from the Grand Chapter. Also at this meeting, Brother Wm. Tobias was thanked for the new electric clock in the dining hall.  November 11, 1952, Bro. William Tobias was thanked for his donation of a dining room clock. On December 9th, 1952, Brother L.L. Kidder was thanked for compiling the first part of this history, to the end of 1921.

Walter Kidder was Master for 1953. In May of this year, the Lodge entertained the graduating class of the Gresham Grade School. In January 1953, the resolution was adopted to change the stated meeting to the second Monday of each month, and reserve every Monday night for Blue Lodge work.  February 8, 1953, a decision was made to present Masonic Bibles to all Master Masons when raised to that degree.  In March 1953, plans for needed changes in the Temple were presented by Brother Elmer Settergren, and turned over to the building committee.  March 8, 1953, Rich Hawes was thanked for presenting the lodge with a framed point within a circle. It was placed in the East.  On November 9th, Brother A.J.W. Brown was presented with a fifty-year pin by Worshipful Brother Donald J. Allen of the Grand Lodge.  

On December 14, 1953, Todd Slayton, was elected Master.   

February 14, 1955, 150 used theater seats were purchased for $525.00. The building committee was authorized to have the chairs installed in the lodge. April 11, 1955, WM Roger Kidder presented a 50-year jewel to his father, PM L.L. Kidder. November 14, 1955, a resolution was passed to pay the Secretary 50 cents per member instead of $100.00 per year.

February 13, 1956, the building committee reported for discussion of bricking up the windows. This was referred to the planning committee after a review of the plans. May 14, 1956, $1500.00 was withdrawn to make repairs to the building such as reinforcing the main floor.  September 10, 1956, motion was passed to raise the dues from $9.00 to $12.00 per year. The added dues would be used specifically for the repair and improvement of the building.

October 14, 1957 the building committee reported purchasing 100 chairs for the dining room.  December 9, 1957, Charles L. Tallman was elected Worshipful Master. He held a public installation set for December 27, 1957. (Prior Lodge tradition was to perform a tiled installation the same night as the election in December)

September 8, 1958, a decision was made to cash out a bond of $1000 to meet expenses of rewiring the upstairs and to finish other improvements in progress. December 8, 1958 C. Rich Hawes was elected Worshipful Master. Walter F. Robinson was escorted to the East and given Public Grand Honors for his faithful and untiring work in Lodge matters and his degree work. He was exceptionally proficient in degree work, although he has never been induced to go through the chairs. The members were all grateful to Brother Walt. He was a regular attendant of stated and special communications.

September 14, 1959, draperies have been purchased with appendant bodies expected to pay their share.

May 9, 1960, a new flag was purchased for the Lodge.  June 13, 1960, annual strawberry feed. "Honorary Past Masters Certificate" was presented to Walter F. Robinson for the untiring efforts and willing work that he has given to the lodge during 39 years of membership, without taking an office. Brother Robinson explained that during his younger years he was a "one man dairy", and now believes that the younger members should have the honor of being officers. Brother Robinson had the best wishes and admiration of all who know him and they all feel that the certificate of Past Master has been well deserved. October 10, 1960, new tile was laid in the ladies room by Bro. G.E. Swan.

May 8, 1961, a proficiency certificate was issued and presented to WB Floyd Davis. He was congratulated by the Lodge and responded with appropriate remarks.

February 12, 1962, It was moved and approved to give a Trestle Board program a trial. April 24, 1962, special meeting was held for the purpose of celebrating the 50th or Golden Anniversary of Gresham Lodge. Members and families of the bodies meeting in the Gresham Masonic Temple were invited to participate. They are Gresham Chapter #117 Order of the Eastern Star, Gresham Court of Amaranth, Bethel #19, Jobs Daughters, and Gresham-Fairview Chapter of DeMolay. Many other visitors. WB C. Richmond Hawes, PM, Gresham Lodge gave a very interesting talk on the early days of Gresham Lodge, and their struggle to succeed. Entertainment was by the Al Kader Shrine Chanters. October 8, 1962, Bro. Pete M. Olsen, having spent a considerable time of last year in foreign countries, presented the lodge with a gavel from the Holy Land. This Gavel is made from wood from an olive tree grown in the courtyard of King Solomon.

September 9, 1963, voted to arrange with the Amaranth and Eastern Star for displaying their pictures of their Past Matrons on the north wall of the dining hall. A partition in the entrance to the temple was installed by Bro. John Frost (member of Lents Lodge) and Bro. George Roy. Brother Roy was given thanks by the lodge for his work.  November 11, 1963, discussion was had regarding dressing room for the women of the different organizations meeting in the Temple. A curtain for the stage was suggested and also suggested to equip and improve the room formerly used for storage off the dining hall. December 9, 1963, a new appraisal of the temple was $104,000, this included furnishings.

June 1964 strawberry feed, the lodge was filled to capacity. September 14, 1964, a vote was taken to continue the Trestleboard.

May 10, 1965, first talk of an all Masonic Picnic to include Fairview Lodge bodies. June 14, 1965, annual strawberry feed, about 200 visitors present. Grand Master Earl T. Newbry attended. Visiting officers from Lents Lodge received prunes instead of strawberries. (Past strawberry visits by Lents Lodge members, one time required that the Master be escorted to the east for security to protect the strawberries. Another time, the Worshipful Master ordered that Lents members be bound, to protect them from leaving early, to protect the strawberries) November 8, 1965, Bro. William D. Ford was thanked and commended for his work in rewiring in the dining hall. November 12, 1965, a Teachers Appreciation Night was held along with Bridal Veil Lodge #117, and Fairview #92. Invitations mailed to about 150 teachers with 25 years teaching. The meeting was attended by about 90 teachers who were presented with certificates signed by Grand Master Murchison. December 13, 1965, 25 additional chairs were purchased for the lodge at $2.00 each.

April 11, 1966, George Roy and G. Edgar Swan were recognized for their work in removing worn carpeting and installing new vinyl on the stairway. The Lodge gave a round of applause. Secretary C. Norman Lund received his 50-year jewel from Gr. Secretary Proudfoot. June 13, 1966, annual strawberry feed, over 200 Masons attended. Grand Master Wilbur A. Wellborn attended. September 12, 1966, a vote of thanks was given for members who worked over the summer renovating the kitchen.

January 9, 1967, it was approved that slides be purchased for the work in the Entered Apprentice Degree, for $48.40. February 13, 1967, Walter F. Robinson was presented with a certificate of Deputy Instructor and Grand Lodge Examiner. He was congratulated for his achievement at his age. April 10, 1967, Wallin Kirst presented his study on the lodge PA system. May 8, 1967, it was approved to purchase the equipment for the PA system. September 11, 1967, It was discussed that the widening of Powell Blvd., in front of the Lodge, and how it might effect the lodge.

February 12, 1968, a new Bible was presented to the Lodge and placed on the alter. Due to the concern about the effects of widening of Powell, an admonition for appraisal of lodge be conducted before proceeding with any other move. May 13, 1968, Donald Gillespie received his certificate of proficiency from Grand Lodge. September 16, 1968, rental rates (for the Lodge) were upped 10% for lodge discussion to help pay for additional costs of maintenance.

January 12, 1970, a motion was made and passed to purchase new officers aprons and jewels. The cost of cleaning and repairing old ones was more costly than replacement. February 9, 1970, C. Rich Hawes asked by letter for a certificate of standing so he could transfer his membership to another lodge. WB Hawes felt that WM Kirst should have notified him that Kirst was not going to reappoint him as the Masonic Funeral Representative. A motion was made and approved to issue the Certificate of Standing. ! September 14, 1970, new jewels and aprons were purchased. $80.00 for jewels, and $190.55 for the aprons. December 14, 1970, a resolution to raised membership dues to $15.00 per year was passed.

January 10, 1971, an open discussion was had regarding an amendment to the Lodge By-laws providing for an assistant secretary. This passed at the meeting held April 12, 1971.

On April 23, 1971 Grand Master of Oregon Masons, Dot Dotson, came into Gresham with a contingent of his Grand Lodge Officers to assist in the ceremony of dedication of Mt. Hood Community College.

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This was assisting in the placement of a circular stone marker covering the previously inserted "time capsule". After accomplishing this task, the Grand Master made appropriate remarks anent the Masonic connotations of the procedure.

June 14, 1971, a motion was passed to spend approximately $600 to install new carpet in the foyer. October 11, 1971, it passed to protect all past master photographs by having them photographed and those photos placed in the lodge safe. 

November 8, 1971, a deed to land purchase in Tokyo, Japan was received,


and presented to the Lodge by WM Kirst. It was moved and passed that the deed be framed and hung in the hall of the lodge.

September 11, 1972, it was decided that a square and compasses would be placed on the photographs of deceased past masters. October 14, 1972, the lodge purchased and installed the ladder style six globe light fixture for the front of the lodge building.  November 13, 1972, WB Walt Robinson received his Life Proficiency card.

February 12, 1973, WB Robert Shannon received the DeMolay Medal of Honor for his work with and support of DeMolay.  March 12, 1973, By-laws were amended dues raised to $20.00 per year effective January 1, 1974, final reading and passed April 9, 1973. Discussion was had on the need for suitable Secretary’s Office and storage of records. The room downstairs needs to be converted into a Secretary Office with a desk, file, etc. and a good storage space.

February 11, 1974, it was unanimously agreed that it would be the policy of the Lodge to authorize the use of the lodge dining hall for families of deceased brother for funeral receptions without charge, when requested. April 8, 1974, RWB Harry Seeley, DD #23 on his official visit, stressed the necessity for proficiency and striving for good work. September 9, 1974, WB Don Gillespie received his third proficiency card. The Lodge gave him a nice hand of applause.

March 10, 1975, Bro. Jack DeBus offered a safe to the Lodge if several of the brothers would volunteer to move it. This safe would be used to store Lodge records. June 9, 1975, annual strawberry feed. 20 visiting ’75 masters were in attendance. December 8, 1975, WB Don Gillespie was presented a Lifetime Certificate of Instructor and Examiner.

January 28, 1976, a special communication was held at the Village Convalescent Home for the purpose of presenting to WB Walt Robinson his permanent Proficiency Card. It was also WB Walt’s 92nd birthday and that was celebrated as well. May 10, 1976, alternatives were discussed to determine what to do with money from the Mt. Hood Community College Deans Fund. (That fund had been established to assist needy college students to borrow from) It was moved and passed to establish a scholarship fund for a needy local Bethel girl or DeMolay boy. December 13, 1976, Bro. Claire Gulkison presented the Lodge with a beautiful inlayed wood plaque of the Masonic emblem. He was thanked and told that a suitable place would be found where it would be appreciated. 

October 10, 1977, changes in the By-laws voted to raise the annual dues from $20 to $30 per year, it passed. It also raised the degree fee on EA from $25 to $50, leaving the FC and MM at $25 each. Passed. November 14, 1977, WB L.C. White received his 50-year jewel. It was noted at the time, that WB White had made and presented to the Lodge the brass container on the alter which enclosed the Gresham Lodge Charter. January 9, 1978, a report by Secretary Ray Dahm that beginning 1977, the membership of Gresham Lodge was 312, increasing by 6 EA, 6 FC, 5 MM, 6 Affiliations and 6 reinstatements and decreasing with 2 transfers, 11 NPD and 13 deaths. Also, 9 members dues were remitted, leaving a membership of 303 paid members.

January 8, 1979, it was moved and passed that the Lodge supplement the payment of a Life Membership for Bro. Dale Lewis. For the past 6 years, Bro. Dale has furnished the strawberries for the annual strawberry feed without charge to the lodge. It was suggested that Brothers donate toward the balance owed toward a life membership.

April 14, 1980, the Lodge was presented with a gift of a painting by Bro. Floyd Evans. Appreciation was extended to him for the gift and it was the decision to hang it in the North, back of the Chaplain chair. (A copy of the letter is attached to the meeting minutes)

October 12, 1981, it was reported that $110 had been given to the Lodge as a memorial to WB George West. It was noted that RAM had a fund given in the name of Bro. Corlies. A discussion was then had about what to do with the money. A suggestion was made that something be purchased as a memorial to both brothers that could be used by both bodies. WB Ray Dahm suggested a Tylers chair, as both brothers had been Tyler at one time. It passed.

October 14, 1985, Death of Worshipful Master Cecil Sinkler was reported. He had been ill for most of the year of 1985, with WB Don Mayer as Acting Worshipful Master.

April 14, 1986, a report of a School Appreciation Night would be held on May 19. Thirty teachers with more than 20 years service would be recognized. (There were no follow-up notes in the minutes) September 8, 1986, a report that the Temple Club would take on the project of replacing the Public Address system within the Lodge. All organizations within the Lodge contributed towards its cost. The low bid was $3070. November 10, 1986, WB Don Mayer was re-elected as Master of the Lodge, becoming the first repeat in Gresham 152 history to serve consecutive terms as Master of the Lodge. (It was not noted in the minutes, but SW Ernie West suffered a serious stroke and he was not able to continue through the chairs. He was later elected as Honorary Past Master) December 8, 1986, under new business, it was asked for clarification as to the status of 50- year members payment of dues. Past minutes reflecting that the dues be remitted could not be located by the secretary. It was moved and passed that those dues owed by 50-year members in 1987 be remitted. The secretary requested the lodge to purchase a computer. A motion was made and passed to purchase a computer and maintenance policy for $1524.80. The Worshipful Master, with the aid of PGM John Murchison presented a plaque, west of the alter, to WB Wallin Kirst for his and his wife’s contribution to the Lodge of new officers aprons and jewels. This was to show our appreciation for their generosity. The changing of meeting time to 7:30pm was discussed and a committee was appointed to write a resolution.

February 9, 1987, it was reported that Gresham 152 has 250 members. April 1, 1987, a Special Communication was held to receive GM Monroe B. Morton and his officers, his annual visitation to District #23. April 13, 1987, Bro Harold Lewis reported on a door to be installed in the dining room to conform to building and fire codes. ! January 4, 1988, Lin Kirst was presented his proficiency certificate, and Don Gillespie was presented with his Lifetime Proficiency Certificate.

April 11, 1988, WB Don Mayer was presented with his life membership certificate, a present from the Lodge for his outstanding service to the Lodge as Worshipful Master for two years and eight months. May 9, 1988, the repair of the building was discussed and a report on the possibility of moving the Lodge to the Prairie Market Building was reported on. The rent was too high for us. (The Prairie Market Building was built as a Safeway store on the corner of Main and 5th. It later was sold to the Foursquare Church for use as a teen center)

February 13, 1989, a motion on a Resolution regarding a $10 per member assessment to help the Lodge meet it’s financial obligations. It passed. 

June 11, 1990, second reading on a Resolution to raise the dues, fees for degrees, and Life Memberships was made and passed. October 8, 1990, a report was given on the status on the installation on the new elevator. 

January 14, 1991, Secretary Al Salnave gave a talk regarding other secretaries from other lodges all being Past Masters. He was escorted from the Lodge, a motion was made, and vote taken making him an Honorary Past Master. March 11, 1991, an elevator report was made, and it is coming along at lower than the bid. There was no estimate of completion. September 9, 1991, Official visit by GM Ivan Rink.

January 13, 1992, Special Communication, WM Burt McMillan announced that he’d like two Stated Meetings each month. Highway adoption was discussed and it was revealed that two miles of US 26 from Birdsdale to Burnside was available. The first clean up was scheduled for March 28. April 13, 1992, visit by Bro. James Davis, Potentate of Al Kader Shrine. He is a member of our Lodge. June 8, 1992, Strawberry Feed, MWB Bill Oldham, GM attended along with several Grand Lodge representatives. 

April 12, 1993, WB Max Alf resigned his affiliation to Gresham Lodge due to an assessment to all members by the Grand Lodge. It was moved and passed making Max an honorary member of Gresham Lodge. Max has been important to our Lodge in degree conferrals in giving lectures, or whatever part needed to be filled. June 14, 1993, RWB Dan Bauer, Past Master of Gresham Lodge was in attendance as District Deputy of the Grand Masons for District #9.

1995, new signs went up on each side of the building marking the Temple as what it was and showing the symbols of the organizations meeting there. 

1996, a bullet hole was located in the floor of the dining room. There were shards of wood from the floor stuck in the stage curtains. Contact was made with the Gresham Gun Club personnel and they said that unauthorized people were using the range, firing large caliber weapons. A new contract was signed with them. Doctor Brown, the good next-door neighbor retired selling his office and parking. The new neighbor wished to pave the parking lot using some of the Masonic property, and paving it over. An agreement was signed allowing Gresham Masons to use the paved parking lot from the doctors office for free in exchange of them using our property during the day for Doctors parking. June Strawberry feed was the 50th annual Strawberry feed for Gresham Lodge. MWB Vern Wertz was in attendance with a contingent of Grand Lodge Officers. WB Larry Ward presented MWB Wertz with a gavel made with a piece of pressure treated 4x4 and clothes hanger rod. 

June 2001, the original lights came off the front of the Temple. They had not been hooked up since the new sign was in place in 1995. Bro. Dale Lewis passed away, leaving the Lodge $100,000 to be used by the Blue Lodge as it sees fit. WB Raymon Cathcart and WB Donald Mayer also passed, leaving a large void in the Lodge.

During my research of the records of the Lodge, I found things which were of interest to me that had been omitted from the History Committee Report from earlier. I will add them to start my report. Additions for clarification which I added I used italics. I made some changes in typos and misspellings from the typed reports. Generally, I feel this is an accurate portrayal of our Lodge history which I feel to be important.  WB Larry Ward, Lodge Historian.

This page was last updated on February 16, 2018 by WB Marcarelli PM 2016.  All items have been broken down by year, for ease in locating events.   The plan is to upload Photos of all Past Masters after we have scanned them and to add all those not mentioned through the years.  Our 2018 Lodge Historian WB Roger Spaulding, PM 2015 is working on compiling data from 2001 to 2018.  More to come soon!